Technology Services
University Library
First Floor
Information Commons area (LI-106): 55 stations.
Information Commons area (LI-103): 68 stations.
Lower Level
(LI-B2 and LI-B41): 14 Macs and 18 Windows stations: Macintosh and Windows platforms support digital image editing, web applications, audio and video editing, etc. Equipment available for capturing, editing, recording and creating digital formats.
Dewey Graduate Library
Main Floor
Information Commons area (first floor): 15 stations.
1 workstation in Microforms area: Microsoft Office, various media players, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and software for students with disabilities: Kurzweil 1000, Dragon Speaking Naturally and JAWS
Lower Level
Information Commons area (basement): 28 stations.
Science Library
First Level
Information Commons:
Information Commons Area (SL-112): 28 stations.
Information Commons Area (SL-152): 65 stations.
4 workstations near Current Periodicals Room
CD-ROM Workstations (no internet access)
4 workstations on the east side of the Information Commons with variable configurations including Science Citation Index, SciFinder Scholar, ACM Electronic Guide to Computing Literature, Meteorological and Geophysical Abstracts, Statistical Theory and Methods Abstracts, McGraw-Hill Science and Technical Reference Set, Science Magazine, New England Journal of Medicine, American Medical Association journals.
Specialty Equipment
- Flatbed scanners with ADF and transparency adapters; scan documents up to size A3 (16.5" x 11.7").
- 1 scanner for scanning 35mm film negatives and slides
- Braille Embosser (on one machine)
- Microfilm/Microfiche Reader/Printers that may be used to view and scan microfilm, microfiche and microcard (no fee for creating a digital copy).
- VCR/DVD combination units
- 1 Region-free DVD player that plays DVDs originating from anywhere in the world; this model is also available for loan.
- 1 Laser Disc player
- Audio cassette players and a CD player are available upon request.
- Color laser printer (fee)
- Black and white laser printer (fee)
Assistive Technology: Available for 3 hour checkout at the circulation desk at University Libraries and Dewey Graduate Library
- Large Type Keyboards, including 1 Braille keyboard
- Oversized USB trackball mouse
Video Workstations
VCR, DVD and Laser Disc players for media playback
University Library, lower level
- 2 VCR/DVD combination units.
- 1 region-free DVD player that plays DVDs originating from anywhere in the world; this model is also available for loan.
- 1 Laser disk player
Science Library, first level, near the Current Periodicals Reading Room
- 2 VCRs
Dewey Graduate Library, lower level
- 1 VCR/DVD combination unit.
Studio B47
Studio B47 is our newest space that provides specialized equipment and tools for rehearsing presentations, recording interviews and podcasting.
Video Chat Rooms
Look and sound professional for your next online interview or meeting in our Video Chat Rooms. These rooms are dedicated spaces for individual use, perfect for Skype, WebEx and Zoom meetings.